a story of 'happiness'
A passionate and dedicated multidisciplinary team of like-minded professionals
Meet Annie

Annie, with her passion and love for green, gets a higher meaning in this part of the world. She has the ambition of supplying high-quality green plants in several unique and innovative forms, on large scale, at the doorstep of all UAE Residents!
She believes that this will lead to numerous benefits for our valued clients as:
Improvement of the indoor air quality
Catching of dust particles
Improvement of the cooling down of the homes and buildings
Reduction of energy consumption
Improvement of acoustics, esthetic
Pleasant to the eyes
Inspiring, motivational, and a unique source of happiness.
DDG UAE, your partner for supplying Wellness and Happiness, cherishing and helping to realize your and our dream of a Green Tomorrow.
Annie Hasnain
Managing Director

It is our dream to supply plants in the Desert, in all forms, shapes, and sizes, to every living, working and recreational space: homes, offices, schools, hotels, shops, health organizations, etc.
The Middle East region is presently going through a phenomenal development. However, due to this rapid growth, the indoor air quality is being badly affected by closed areas, no fresh air, CO2 producing air conditions, CO2 producing humans, fine dust. The outdoor environment is increasingly being affected by the ‘Urban Heat Island effect’.
Therefore, the wealth and development of this area are jeopardizing the well-being of the local population. Health issues, such as red eyes, respiratory problems, fatigue, strange headaches, etc. are occurring frequently due to lack of oxygen in the living and working areas. These problems are accumulating and they will be even worse for the Generation Next.
Our foremost objective is to supply innovative Green products to make the cities and the world greener, pleasant and beautiful, for ourselves and our future generations.
We aim to bring wellness and wellbeing to our customers, right at their doorsteps. By taking the creation, care, and supply of Green Solutions as our responsibility, we are proud to help you solve the increasing Urban problems related to your health and wellbeing.
Welcome to the Desert Dream Garden experience. We promise you will find it uniquely satisfying. Your trust, satisfaction, and ability will lead to our success and a greener world every day.
Desert Dream Gardens, your partner for supplying Wellness and Happiness, cherishing and helping to realize your and our dream of a Green Tomorrow.
Our passion and love for green get a higher meaning in this part of the world, where we have the ambition of supplying high-quality green plants in several unique and innovative forms, on large scale, at the doorstep of all our customers!
This will lead to numerous benefits for our valued clients as improvement of the indoor air quality, catching of dust particles, improvement of the cooling down of the homes and buildings, reduction of energy consumption, improvement of acoustics, esthetic, pleasant to the eyes, distressing, inspiring, motivational and a unique source of happiness.
Desert Dream Gardens, your partner for supplying Wellness and Happiness, cherishing and helping to realize your and our dream of a Green Tomorrow.